Thursday, May 15, 2008

Vieos Incesto Italian

10ème rencontre internationale de Capoeira Angola Bordeaux part1

For the 7th time Association Capoeira Angola Capoeira e Marrom Alunos Bordeaux ( ACAMCAB ) led by Contramestre Dorado organized its international meeting. This year, we were slightly fewer than in previous years, but what Focused!
The guests were numerous:
For the first time in Europe, Mestre Zé Bahiano of Caraguatatuba (SP)
Mestre Marrom our founder with his students, Yuri Contramestre , Tatiana Treinel and Roberta who came from Rio de Janeiro and Contramestre Forro (who now lives in Hanover )
Mestre Camaleao group Filhos de Angola ( Marseille / Rio de Janeiro ) and his students came in large numbers
Contramestre PernaLonga group Irmaos Guerreiros ( Bremen / Sao Paulo ) and his students and Furadinha Russo
Many other groups were represented, the group Filhos de Angola Berlin with our friend Andorinha , group Cape Breton, the group Olho da Mandinga ( Falcaon ) of Metz, the group of Ecap Paris and Strasbourg ... Just wanting to call our friends from Finland, Scotland and England that we had become accustomed to pass every year at this event.

This course was a highlight as he inaugurated the cultural center Cajueiro open for less than a year by Contramestre Dorado and its students. The Cajueiro is a fruit tree found in Brazil and is discussed in many songs of capoeira ( Sinha was summoned vo / Caju ...). The work Dorado for over 6 years to bear fruit ( caju ;-)). Initially welcomed by primary school in the Derby of Eysines activity grew, the group expanded and strengthened until the opening of this place used to organize classes and events in good conditions. Two rooms to make drives simultaneously without interference, a cloakroom with shower and toilet, a bar (the Barjueiro) and decor reminiscent of Rio with the mosaics of the Copacabana promenade , the Pao de Azucar the Corcovado, which also evokes the Orixas ( Oxala, Iemanja, Omolu ).
tribute to this place and energy of all those who helped make this project Dorado to a song whose chorus is: "Meu Caju Cajueiro O, O Caju Cajueiro Me." It's a way to customize the site by giving it an affectionate nickname " Caju " like when you give a nickname to the name of someone you appreciate (Jose Ze becomes, Raphael becomes Raf .. .). It is also a wordplay between Caju and Cazu (home) and a nod to Contramestre Pernalonga whose room Bremen called ... Cazu . If for every capoeira roda their house is a little (and by extension, the place where it occurs) is even more true for those uprooted who left Brazil to develop their work abroad and do about capoeira in the world.
This year Contramestre Dorado wanted to highlight the involvement of these students by giving them a distinction based on their experience and involvement in capoeira. This has resulted in a roda at the ceremony somewhat special in which everyone was invited to play with one of these meetings as guests in the video below between Mestre and Camaleao 25 (also known as the miseravao ).


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