"Life truant"
" Stop believing that games are made , Karin Clercq sings in the song from his new album "Life truant." The guitars Geoffrey Burton (Arno Bashung) are rock, melody is haunting, the words simple but perfectly fair. Why, then, resist the invitation to his bag to leave false pretenses, to start the adventure and daring baring?
Cover of new album produced by Geraldine George
Recorded in various studios in Brussels with talented musicians, "Life truant" is a rare album because it's true. Without pretending to want to change the world, its author / composer / performer and co-director recalls that it is for us to move in order not to suffer. In Karin Clercq, the finding is not bitter. Even less moralistic tone. His songs are constantly shifting, but never get lost. And if they travel, they often take us back to ourselves, as illustrated, the touching ballad A lcool in which everyone will find something of its history. Further, Karin Clercq rhythm evokes tenderness and a prostitute who sings not to lose hope ( On the curb ). With Small lies, her thirties to tackle these lives so full that they suffocate. She abandons the pleasures of a Kermesse two-way, lost time north of disoriented ultimately poignant, says nice pop inclinations on You always want what you do not and plays extensions with Encore bold sensual duet composed by Piet Goddaer (Ozark Henry) and sang with Vincent Liben ( mudflow) .
After working primarily with French musicians on her first two albums (Guillaume Jouan / Miossec), Karin has refocused on his land where he must say the sizes abound not. Co-produced and mixed with Stef Van ALSENOY, "Life Buissonnière" accommodates in its musicians like Dominique Vantomme (Ann Pierlé), Sacha Toorop (Zop Hopop, Dominique A), Geoffrey Burton (Arno Bashung), Cedric Guffens ( Monsoon Agent 5.1), Dutch Sjang Coenen (Sioen, Vincent Liben), François Wart (Kris Dane, Marie Warner), Jérôme Hiernaux (Jeff Bodart, Mr. Smith) and of course David Page and Luke Callas, with whom she turned on her second album and it has made some beads.
"Buissonnière Life" is the third album by Karin Clercq after "Female X" in 2002 (Rapsat Lelièvre-2004 (formerly Prix Québec-Wallonie) ) and "After Love" in 2005. His album came out in Belgium, France, Germany and Quebec. Having secured the first parts of Miossec, Cali, Massive Attack, Jean-Louis Murat, Dominique A, etc., and rotated on many European stages (Old Ploughs, Paléofestival, Francos, Nights of Botany ...) as well as Quebec (Coup de coeur Francophone Karin Clercq ,...), we will soon offer his version of "Life truant."
Karin Clercq Dominique Vantomme in concert with the keyboard (Ann Pierlé, Mahieu - François Vantomme Quartet ,...), wart on bass (Kris Dane, Mary Warnant ...) Jerome Hiernaux on guitar (Mr. Smith, Jeff Bodart ...) and Cedric on drums Guffens (Monsoon Agent 5.1), and videos of Thomas Israel.
Karin Clercq Find on Myspace ( www.myspace.com / karinclercq ), Facebook ( Become a fan of Karin Clercq http://fr-fr.facebook.com/
officially released on 27/04/2009 in Belgium
Release in Fall 2009 France
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