There are all sorts of people who tell the truth, fools, children and drunks (German proverb)
Have you ever dreamed of telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth, naked, raw for a day?
Our lives are punctuated with small lies and distortion of the truth, embezzlement and conspiracy against some obvious reason, decency, sensitivity, diplomacy and honeyed another attempt on - PROTECT and avoid hurting others at the expense of much truth that is often good to say!
is a dream that I am often able say what I think without having to go through the "social codes", propriety, politeness, decency and hypocrisy of another kind to dress my words and distort my thinking without malice or prejudice the caller, (moral judgments, criticize look, freedom of worship etc.).
Just to say really what it is, without pretense and lies "social" within the norm, there are the words to say.
To avoid having to invent minor lies or failing to tell the truth of why I did not come yesterday, not having to wear a smile more artificial social explaining why I did not answer the phone, why I do not want to attend this, why I have to put some aberrations in the name of friendship, love, why I did not have enough courage to send any waltz when the actions of some made me very wrong, why I do not have to justify myself when it goes wrong, the hair color of N is horrible when I am obliged to say "waw it suits you" for being the good girlfriend that I I am sick and tired of supporting the rantings of X for the umpteenth time this month because he is plated, because I do not condone the bullshit and friends to lie behind and fix them, I n 'have no duty to enter the lourderies me some consideration and support value judgments and shut up, that Y has a button on the face but that life is not going to stop, and that I appreciate it as it is and the other for that matter, that despite the rather boring to some, it means like a house afire, but not bother to walk all over me, I prefer to say to those which I have a holy horror to stop playing the hypocrites when they see me etc etc
able to say also that the neighbor is as beautiful as any that we think without that I want to jump on him or a systematic want to be unfaithful to my boyfriend (aesthetically speaking!), tell my friend that her boyfriend is cheating on you soon without having to go for her .. ... pe of service, tell a family member that he is too much for me and I can not breathe without it starts to cry, to speak loudly my deepest convictions without having to be burned as a witch because it does not "likes" it, it does "act" not it "disturbing" 3arbi mayli9ech nice because it's not "WE" ( Who is you to represent me?), not having to be quiet when we defend a cause in which we take without going to a "traitor, stupid, ignorant," or that they cry foul and other crap like this (what many people think whispered in short), to say that certain attitudes make me want to throw myself out the window without being snobby, stuck ( I love that word means nothing) ....
And the list goes on.
All truths are good to hear my opinion, I've heard a lot of very good and "bad" (according to those who have uttered and my ego by who finds something tjs is when to the nature of truth but everything is relative), I'm not dead so far and it often allowed me to move forward and rectify the situation.
If there is it may hurt, it's either because they were told that in order to hurt and offend, they can not bear to be told truth in their face or are in denial. I'm just dreaming, just one day, give my honest opinion without having to take gloves and ten thousand turns.
It is supposed accept others for what it is but should not push too hard sometimes. Barcha 3ach7ayech Rahou!
Roger Fournier said "the one who tells the truth is always unbearable," I'd rather be unbearable that eventually explode ... ... ... .. or else go blind and deaf.
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