In a previous article , I wrote about the origin of the Agogo according Mestre Pedrinho . During my reading I found another equally interesting story that builds on and complements the words of Mestre Pedrinho . Roger Bastide , French anthropologist addresses in the first chapter of his book " Candomblé de Bahia (rite Nago) " the role of musical instruments. Thus, we learn other things about the Agogo : "The Agogo (corruption Akoko , time or time in Yoruba language ), or more generally simple bell twice (. ..) also plays a very important role in the Candomblé . As Mestre Pedrinho , it indicates the importance sacred town of Agogo and drums (and Agivadi , sticks used to strike drums). These drums are 3 in number: " rum is the biggest, the Rump has an average size and the which is the smallest . He confirmed that the ritual is that we do eat the drums and give us more details about the "regime" which is reserved " these are not ordinary drums (...) Above all, they have" eaten " and they "eat" every year the blood of a chicken (...) of palm oil, honey and holy water. . The atabaque the bateria de Capoeira Angola does not have the same treatment (at least I've never heard or seen the traces). There are a series interesting videos (4 episodes) of Yansky9 on youtube that shows the manufacture of its atabaque .
Roger Bastide describes the Agogo as a "bell simple or more usually double, sometimes simple piece of metal struck with another piece of metal " in bateria of Capoeira Angola I know, most of the time the Agogo is wooden, two lug nuts of different sizes, attached to a wooden rod and is struck with a stick.
Video 1 / 4 Meu atabaque (part1 of 4) - Making an african drum - capoeira by Yansky9
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